Из ранней Гуры
Замахнулась Гура когда-то давно по случаю конкурса на Роберта Браунинга, и внезапно поняла, что такое настоящие трудности перевода (до чего ж затасканное сочетание, ужс). Не те трудности, что обусловлены моей патологической неспособностью к стихосложению, а другие… Мировоззренческого, так сказать, характера
And the sun looked over the mountain’s rim;
And straight was a path of gold for him,
And the need of a world of men for me.
Поэтому появляются такие вот трактовки:
What if the point of view of the poem is from the woman. The path of gold could symbolize that its actually the woman who got what she wanted and she is done with the man. The path of gold is a sign for his exit that he most go. And one man can never satisfy her because she has a never ending lust for men — "the need of a world of men for me"
The speaker in this poem is a woman, for she is addressing a man during his departure. In the first verse the sea arrives. This could be metaphorical, for it could represent the day of shore leave. So the sea has come, the time that the speaker's loved one will leave is finally here. The second verse explains that it is morning, for the sun is just starting to appear over the mountain's rim. The third verse might suggest the fact that the sailor's adventure and trip will bring great riches. The «path of gold» could mean the finding of a treasure or the gaining of money. The last verse suggests the sadness of the speaker, and the hollow solitude that will follow the «adieu» of her loved one. The speaker has a need of the world of men, the need for a lover that she will not see in a long time. I believe this poem is just a short reconstruction of the typical scene of «goodbye». I think it is also a criticism to this scene, for many times lovers leave to never come back. Maybe the same thing could have happened to Browning himself.
In the concluding verse of this twofold situation, we have for landscape the same sea, a cape, no moon, but, instead, the sun rising over the mountain's rim. It rose, no doubt, in the same way the day before, but to them how different this time! To him it reveals a path of gold; to her, the need of a world of men, — they have become a whole from the two halves they were the foregoing eve. The Arcanum of the Garden of Eden has been revealed to them: the need of woman to man; the need of man to woman. It is this revelation that makes him find a path of gold in all his endeavors to provide for her; it has centupled his physical energies: nothing now too hard for him to achieve; all that her heart craves, she shall have through him. The same transformation has been wrought within her. With the treasures she has to dispose of, — heart and soul riches, — she wants the appreciative, sympathetic companion that will be truly and essentially enriched by them. What he gives to her in kind, she returns in inspiration, in tenderness, forethought. The poem but expresses the prime ideal which from all eternity existed in the Divine Mind, — Love! Marriage! For woman a world of men; for man a world of women. /"Zwei Seelen und ein Gedanke,/ Zwei Herzen und ein Schlag!" (Это писал мужик — умереть!)

В общем, если это не она им воспользовалась и цинично проводила, значит, он просто пошел зарабатывать им на свадьбу, платье и кольцо с большим бриллиантом. Ну, в крайнем случае сдох… Иначе как?
Я, однако, нашла способ перевести эти строки правильно. Так должно понравиться всем, я считаю:
Солнца диск показался в вершинах гор.
Дорога его пряма в золотой простор,
Моя — «по делам», ведь я обычный козел
Ну, и кинцо посмотрите, люблю его